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Ed Pawlowski Ed Pawlowski is offline
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Default Home Grocery Delivery

On Sat, 03 Aug 2013 10:25:37 -0400, jmcquown >

>> When I was 16 I did the deliveries too. Many good tippers.

>Ah damn! I didn't think about having to tip. If I opted to have
>groceries delivered they'll charge for it, of course. Something like $5
>per order or a higher flat rate for more frequent deliveries. I'll have
>to ask about the tip thing. I rarely have more than $20 cash in my
>wallet at any given time. (It's easy enough to cancel a stolen credit
>card, not so with cash.)

Most deliveries back in the 1962-63 range were $20 to $35. It was
common to get a tip of at least $1, maybe $2. That is about $1 to
$7.50 in 2013 money. I was paid minimum wage, but today, drovers for
a chain store are probably making more than minimum. The store did
not charge for delivery, but we were certainly not a discount seller
so costs were covered.

Oh, Christmas week was fantastic. The Saturday before I could pull in
well over $100 from the regulars.