hurricane prep
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hurricane prep
In article >,
> Cheryl wrote:
> >
> > On 8/2/2013 8:41 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
> >
> > > I don't have Verizon phone service, but I do have fios for
> > > internet and cable. They both go down when the power goes out.
> > > However, there is a battery in the box in the garage that is the
> > > backup for phone service. I know because mine's dead and it gives
> > > a loud beep every so often. Can't hear it unless you are out there
> > > with the door open.
> > >
> > > Just wondering if you should have phone service if your battery is
> > > working.
> > >
> > > nancy
> > >
> > My battery is working fine, it's in a hidden spot in the living room.
> > I've found it really doesn't do much for power outages more than a short
> > time.
> I have a friend with a computer battery backup. It's not for continuous use.
> It's mainly to give you a few minutes to back up any info and shut down
> properly.
> G.
Unless of course you oversize the UPS a bit. Then you can get some
serious time.
When I engineered the soluting at one office we had an APC Symmetra
system. It was three fulll height cabinets, one the controllers the
other two basically battery boxes.
It was engineered for a 300 server load for 45 minutes. We had half
that. Plus it had a 125kW Natural Gas fired generator that kicked in
within 10 seconds of power fail. So the servers and I.T. cubes and MDF
were always up and running.
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