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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Home Grocery Delivery

On Sat, 03 Aug 2013 10:25:37 -0400, jmcquown >

>On 8/2/2013 10:57 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> On 8/2/2013 6:39 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> Good point. And they definitely have a growing market in this area for
>>> delivering food. I've often joked over the years if I could have
>>> groceries delivered I'd never leave the house. I didn't really mean
>>> that. I can't imagine someone else selecting meat or produce for me. I
>>> like to look at what I'm buying before I pay for it.
>>> Jill

>> Back in the 60's when I was a 15 year old I worked in a grocery store.
>> One of my jobs was putting together the orders called in for delivery.
>> We chose the produce and the butcher cut the meat. Delivery was a big
>> portion of the business. We had quite a few regulars and gave them good
>> service. I doubt a big supermarket could match the personal touch.
>> When I was 16 I did the deliveries too. Many good tippers.

>Ah damn! I didn't think about having to tip. If I opted to have
>groceries delivered they'll charge for it, of course. Something like $5
>per order or a higher flat rate for more frequent deliveries. I'll have
>to ask about the tip thing.

As a young teen I delivered groceries in Brooklyn with a truck bicycle
(a very heavy bicycle with a huge basket), grocery stores didn't
charge for delivery, they were very happy to have the business. Tips
varied, from cheapskates who stiffed me, to those who tipped a buck
which was a great tip in those days to the eccentric who tipped with a
slew of deposit bottles. And it was amazing how many women would open
the door wearing a robe and flash a 12 year old with a full monty. By
the time I was 14 I realized what they wanted. There were a lot of
kinky women out there in the '50s n' '60s. Back then most women
didn't work outside the home, there were a lot of very bored