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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Home Grocery Delivery

"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
>>He sounds up to my standards!

> Reminds me of a store in town. For years, he supplied some of the
> local restaurants with produce and it was the best around. He retired
> and sold the store.
> New owner would not select the produce, rather if you wanted 5 pounds
> of green beans, he scooped them out and you got the lot, good or bad.
> He was out of business in about two years.

Used to be how it was at the Pike Place market when I was a kid. You'd see
this great produce but the vendors wouldn't let you pick it. They would
pick it for you and you were guaranteed to get some bad stuff in what you

Some years later, a produce store opened in Edmonds that sold the same stuff
as the Pike Place market. The big difference was that it was all self
serve! Sadly it is no longer there.

I haven't been to Pike Place for probably 30 some years so I can't speak for
what they do now.