Home Grocery Delivery
On Sat, 03 Aug 2013 19:17:52 -0400, jmcquown >
>Yes, well... I can't recall the last time I saw soda bottles that were
>to be returned for a deposit. Then again I don't drink soda. They
>won't be delivering way out here on bicycles. Which also begs the
>question, is it going to be a refrigerated truck? Like an ice-cream truck?
Even water bottles carry a deposit here in CT. In MA, only soda and
I hate taking the bottles back though. I save them up and when I get
a big bag full I donate them to a local charity. They have large bins
so you can leave them and they take care of them. One is an animal
shelter, the others is the High School for class trips or something.
I've seen some food delivered around here and it is on a refrigerated