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T[_5_] T[_5_] is offline
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Default Home Grocery Delivery

In article >, says...
> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
> ...
> > In your dreams. Speaking as a female, most 12 year old boys wouldn't have
> > known what to do with a 16 year old girl, much less a 30 year old woman.
> > Besides, the women were waiting for something better - ever heard of the
> > Fuller Brush Man?

> Although I don't doubt that women may have answered the door while scantily
> clad, that doesn't mean they were looking for something. I have done it
> myself. I once answered the door for the postman, not realizing that what I
> had slept in was in fact see through in some places. Not entirely see
> through and can't even remember the details of it now. This was many years
> ago. I just remember being excited to get my package and running to the
> door just as I was. I had just gotten out of bed and it was hot so I wasn't
> wearing much.
> More recently I have had occasions where they come to the door and I am not
> fully dressed. Once in a while they will require a signature so I have to
> go with just my top on. In my defense, I do tend to wear very long tops,
> some as long as 36" or 40" so they're not seeing my undies or anything.
> Just my bare legs.
> I can assure you that I was never looking for anything other than the
> package they were delivering and sometimes I wasn't even looking for that!
> When my husband first retired he got tons of packages coming here that
> required a signature. And it's a royal PITA to have to go to the post
> office here to sign for something. You're looking at a wait in line of a
> good half an hour or more pretty much all of the time. Anything I can do to
> prevent that is fine by me!

One of the nice things about living in an urban area is that the mail is
funneled through LOTS of post offices.

And one thing I like about USPS that I dislike about UPS and Fedex - if
it's a heavy package they won't even attempt delivery. They'll just put
a tag on the door telling you to pick it up at the post office.