On 2013-08-07 21:40:34 +0000, Dave Smith said:
>>> Agreed - we sold out most of our manufacturing because of the bottome
>>> line. But I also contend a lot of it was because of the advent of OSHA
>>> and the Clean Air and Water Act.
>> Nonsense... that's an alibi from a dainty fingered faggot... skilled
>> trades are becoming obsolete in the US soley because young folks are
>> deathly ascared of perspiration and calluses[period]
Funny how they got that attitude about a year into Reagan's first term.
> That's nothing new. Waves of immigrants have come here to practice
> trades. In this part of Canada most of the construction industry was
> Italian. When I was a kid most of the skilled machinists in the auto
> and aircraft industry were English or German. They flocked here after
> the war.
Cheap and or slave labor has worked real good for keep prices low. But
we use to have laws and tariffs to ensure an even playing field. But
WalMart didn't want that. And they get what they want.