Vegetarian items at TJ's?
"Brooklyn1" > wrote in message
> "Julie Bove" wrote:
>>We are going to bite the bullet and go to TJ's today.
> What bullet... why is going to TJ's a bullet biter???
It actually wasn't bad at all today but we did go at dinner time. Hmmm...
Normally one has to drive around and around for at least 10 minutes waiting
for someone to pull out to get a parking space. Today there were several
available. There is usually some sort of crazy person or a wild child on
one of the aisles. Did not see that today. And normally have to wait at
least 20 minutes in a long line. No lines today either.
>>Do you know of any vegetarian items we should look for?
> I like iceberg lettuce and beets.
Well, I haven't had the best of luck with their produce. I have bought the
refrigerated cooked beets but you can get those at other places too. Did
not see any today. I did buy some heirloom tomatoes today and two red bell
peppers. I hope they are okay. Often they are spoiled. I already have
some lettuce so didn't need that.
>>I already know that they have good cottage cheese
> Cheese is not vegetarian.
Why is it not? They did not have the cheeseless pizza that I wanted. I did
buy some of their pizza dough. Haven't tried it before. Mozzarella for
husband and some of their brand of vegan mozzarella for me. Yes, there is
vegan cheese.
>>and hummus but we don't currently need either of those
>>things. And I love their cheeseless pizza. It can't be called vegan
>>because I think it has sugar in it. Has been a while since I bought it.
>>Daughter refused to try it in the past but I will still buy it if they
>>have it because I like it. Anything else we should look for that's good?
> Your daugher should look for a big hard grisly penis... for that
> matter you can use some too.
Sorry, no. Don't think we have any bears here. We have trapped two
raccoons though.