Egg life
On 08/08/2013 06:39, Julie Bove wrote:
> > wrote in message
> ...
>> I have a dozen eggs which I bought and never used. Carton says "Best by
>> July 13,
>> 2013". They've been well refrigerated as my ice box is very cold. Should I
>> toss
>> them?
> Look at the shell. If still dull then they could be good. If they are
> super shiny, toss them. The next test would be to put in a glass of water.
> If the egg sinks, it's still good but you should probably use it right away.
> If it floats partially, it's past its prime but you could still use it. The
> texture might be off though. If it floats to the top? Toss it.
You know when eggs have gone off, the smell will chase you out of your
home. Simply break one into a cup, if it smells OK then it is. As
regards keeping them in a fridge, in temperate climes they are best kept
in a cool larder. Taste much better that way. As pointed out previously,
in this thread, the fresher the egg the smaller the white spread when
put into a frying pan. Unless you have access to eggs straight from a
chicken, so's to speak, you will never have a really fresh egg.