On Thu, 8 Aug 2013 07:02:36 -0700, "Paul M. Cook" >
> "sf" > wrote in message
> news
> >>
> > I suppose the objection of vegans in Julie's area to has to do with
> > the refining process of cane sugar.
> > http://www.vegsource.com/jo/qa/qasugar.htm
> There must be plenty of other weays to process it. From a mass production
> scale it seems pretty inefficient when some cancer causing chemicals would
> do the job just as well.
I'm starting to think that's why Trader Joe's just carries evaporated
cane juice sugar. My big objection to it was granule size, but
apparently it's their choice because I looked at the same item in the
grocery store and theirs is a finer grain. Mine whizzed up nicely in
the FP, so it's fine enough to work the way I want it to now.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.