On Thu, 8 Aug 2013 07:04:37 -0700, "Paul M. Cook" >
> "Steve Freides" > wrote in message
> ...
> > Paul M. Cook wrote:
> >
> >> All dairy is vegetarian.
> >
> > Not true. Many vegetarians won't eat cheese if it's been processed with
> > rennet, an animal product, and this is indeed the way much cheese is made.
> > My understanding is that it's a little less common nowadays than it used
> > to be but it's still something a strict vegetarian would be on the lookout
> > for.
> Why eat dairy and reject rennet? It all comes from the same place.
Not really. Rennet is from a cow's stomach (the fourth one) and the
animal needs to be slaughtered to obtain it. Cheese is milk and you
don't have to kill an animal to get milk. That's the difference
between vegans and vegetarians. Vegans won't even heat honey, which
is just plain weird - IMO.
> And there is vegetable rennet.
I imagine it was invented to placate vegans. I don't care, so I
haven't noticed if Trader Joe's separates cheeses by the type of
rennet used or if the type is noted on the label.
Food is an important part of a balanced diet.