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Janet Bostwick Janet Bostwick is offline
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Default Grocery Shopping

On Sat, 10 Aug 2013 14:18:30 -0400, jmcquown >

>While shopping at Publix today I perused the canned soups aisle and
>discovered Campbell's now makes 'Yellow Tomato Soup'. Go figure.
>I also saw a woman with her son, he was snapping photos of the hot dogs
>on his cell phone. I couldn't help it, I laughed. The woman told me,
>"My husband doesn't believe they carry this brand of hot dogs so he's
>taking pictures to prove it."
>I didn't ask what brand. Just seeing this teenager taking pictures of
>hot dogs in a grocery store was funny enough. <G>
>I stopped at the farm stand on the way home. Bought more yellow squash,
>zucchini, new potatoes. And a nice cabbage. I've got a corned beef
>brisket in the freezer. I sense a corned beef dinner in the very near

Aside from squash casserole, what else do you do with yellow squash
and zucchini? I found a hidden yellow zucchini in the garden
yesterday. I see zucchini chocolate cake soon.
Janet US