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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Grocery Shopping

In article >,
> On Saturday, August 10, 2013 2:22:41 PM UTC-4, Janet Bostwick wrote:
> > Aside from squash casserole, what else do you do with yellow squash and >zucchini? I found a hidden yellow zucchini in the garden yesterday. I see >zucchini chocolate cake soon. Janet US

> Try fried zuccini pancakes. Made the same way as potato pancakes. They brown up nice.

Slice courgettes, add finely chopped onions and garlic, tomatoes (or a
tin of chopped tomatoes , fresh herbs, seasoning, a spoon of olive oil;
stir and put it in a shallow tray in hot oven to bake (uncovered to
reduce the juices).

Slice, add garlic, herbs, olive oil, and a topping of crumbs and
grated cheese, bake as above.

Grate large amounts finely into spag bol sauce. Nobody will notice.

J was cooking yesterday and made this, delicious

This am, we gave visitors returning back home, two carrier bags of
courgettes, for themselves and any of their friends and neighbours who
are not as glutted as ours..

Janet UK