jmcquown wrote:
> Stevers wrote:
> > Campbells adds a shitload of sugar to the red tomato soup.
> > They could easily make it less carby by laying off the sugar.
> >
> > -sw
> >
> I hadn't thought about that. As you can probably tell, I don't often
> buy Campbell's tomato soup. I do have a couple of cans in the pantry
> just in case. Just in case of what, I'm not sure. Maybe in case of a
> burglar I could throw a can of soup at him.
LOL! "Woman stops burglar with can of soup. Details at 6pm"
Since you have some Campbell's condensed soup, give this recipe a try
this week or next while the good tomatoes are available. I'll bet
you'll be pleasantly surprised:
Open the can and add about 3/4 can of water to it. Then add one large
garden tomato, chopped to bite size. While heating, add plenty of
cracked pepper and salt to taste. It's a very good soup. Trust me on
this one. Even though I have TIAD (and I'm proud of it), I think
others will like this too.
It has to be a garden tomato or locally grown one from a vegetable
stand though. It's the tomato that makes it so good.
I also have a good "from scratch" tomato soup recipe if anyone
requests to see it. It's from the Aug. 1979 issue of Food & Wine
Magazine and is +10