Ophelia wrote:
> I suspect not too many people use them (deep fryers)enough to warrant using that space.
> Mine gets used about once every two weeks to make chips (fries) which are a
> favourite of DH. I always cook for him really. I am happy enough with what
> he prefers
My appetite is not big either.
You deep fry once every two weeks or so? Way much more than me. I
love fried food but only do it once a year for a week or so. At that
time though, I'll go crazy with the deep fryer....homemade fries, corn
fritters, chicken livers, tempura anything that i can think of...on
and on.
I have a nice electric deep fryer. It was a Christmas gift. I rarely
use it though...it holds so much oil and since I rarely deep fry, it
seems a waste.
I deep fry in a small (1 qt?) revereware pot. And I do stay in the
kitchen while it's cooking.