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casa bona[_2_] casa bona[_2_] is offline
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Default Headers Revealed: Boner = John Smith Q.E.D.

On 8/13/2013 5:58 PM, Stalker Hunt wrote:
> casa bona lol dumbass wrote
>> On 8/13/2013 3:45 PM, Stalker Hunt wrote:
>>> The Middius Caca Bona John Smith troll is trying to pretend his nyms
>>> are different people.
>>> lol lol lol FAIL.
>>> A lapse in the stalker's hypervigilant manipulation of multiple nyms,
>>> clients, and posting hosts exposes him as both casa bona and John
>>> Smith. lol troll bummer on deck lol
>>> Like all compulsive liars, the perp lost track of what he's working
>>> with. Let's look at a recent pair of "John Smith" and "casa bona"
>>> posts. *The headers prove conclusively they both post from the same
>>> computer.*
>>> >
>>> >
>>> lol what a genius lol
>>> ALL the stalkers working the food groups right now are the SAME
>>> moron. One person. He always leaves evidence eventually, but like a
>>> good k00K, He. Can't. Stop.
>>> lol It's Alive! lol lol
>>> Managing multiple stalking nyms daily is hard work but in his case,
>>> it's his day job and he puts in lots of overtime. No need for a life
>>> outside of stalking 24/7.. LOL!
>>> OB content: This sicko is a waste of food.
>>> -Stalker Hunt

>> Oh poor dear Marty, he's simply lost his wits now.

> Who? You have no idea who I am. Dumbass lol

It's a bit late for denials, Marty...

>> Now Marty, what would Walt think of your usenet compulsive disorder.

> Who?

Marty Bodine of KCQ.

> How many posts did you make again in the last sixty days? 3500? 4000?
> I guarantee that's still short. Compulsive disorder? ROTFLMAOLOLOLOL!!!
> dumbass

Trolling as Ronald McDonald and Groupkilla...

>> Will you reanimate "Ronald McDonald" to bully Jerry Sauk in

> Who? Are you going to try to hijack his name AGAIN? Jerry, that is. lol
> fail, dombass

How does one hijack a person's name Marty?

Looks like you;re the expert at that.

> -Stalker Hunt
> "many turds, one anus"
> -casa bona describes all his stalking nyms

Marty Bodine of KCQ, throwing a tantrum.