New use for my @#$%^ Misto. ( fruit flies)
Ophelia wrote:
> "Julie Bove" wrote:
> > Some of this is my own fault because
> > I know better than to try to use the garbage disposal and we're not
> > supposed to. They tell us it causes pollution. But sometimes I just have
> > something too messy and sloppy to want to try to get it in a biobag and
> > get it outside.
> Stuff like that I flush down the toilet.
Huh. That's a really good idea, Ophy! :-D
I don't have any of those issues here. We all have garbage disposals
and they don't clog unless you put certain peels down them...and you
always need to run plenty of water before and after. As far as
garbage, here it all goes in the dumpster and other people deal with