Nice try Red Robin!
Vegan Earthworm Holocaust wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 14, 2013 5:53:23 PM UTC-5, John Smith wrote:
>> Sqwertz wrote:
>>> I like girls with big fat titties, I like girls with big vaginas.
>> You like men Sqwerty, everyone knows that.
> Anyone who even hints that there might be anything better or worse about a
> person based on what sort of bodies they find sexually appealing should just
> die.
You need to drink a gallon of clorox and **** OFF!
> In fact, when Sheldon ceases posting, and someone confirms that he is
> dead, I'll applaud, just like with Andy. You, John Smith, whoever you are.
> I wish you'd die too.
> --Bryan
If wishes were horses, you'd have somethin' to **** yer prolapsed anus,
you cowardly little ****.
You want some, come git it boy!
I'll rearrange you like a bad picasso.