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Tommy Joe Tommy Joe is offline
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Default Food Network going downhill?

On Sunday, May 8, 2011 1:33:51 PM UTC-4, wrote:

> Food Network started heading downhill years ago when they cancelled
> Ready, Set, Cook, accelerated their decline with the American Iron
> Chef, and bottomed out about two years ago. They have nothing that
> we'll watch any more.

Interesting topic beyond food, the 24/7 tv channel, for ANYTHING. The History Channel plays all sorts of stuff not related to history. But the reality is they can always say that everything is history. Well, so too is everything food. Maybe one day you turn on the Food Channel to find a pack of wolves chasing down a deer and chomping it to shreds for what seems like forever, to the point where you wonder if you might be on the wrong channel. Nope, it's the Food Network alright, showing us the history of food. All the channels are inner related. And why not? Most are inundated with infomercials from 2 to 8 in the morning. I'm not complaining. Sometimes the infomercials are an improvement on the shows. Let's be honest, there is only so much they can show us about cooking. And if they teach too well they will have nothing left to sell. Most of the food I see on those shows is pretentious stuff with pretentious ingredients most viewers don't have on hand, and of course the prep work and clean up is always conveniently left unseen. I enjoy the network now and then though.