BBQ chicken!
Vegan Earthworm Holocaust wrote:
> sf wrote:
> > You're a hard one to figure out, Bryan.
> >
> I plead intoxication. I'd had, I think, 3 beers, which is a "sweet spot." With morning's sobriety, I realize that you are correct.
I long ago could see when you are posting and drinking. You start with
friendly nostalgic things, then you progress to Mean Bryan and wish
people dead. Maybe better to save those posts as drafts, read them
again in the morning and then decide if you still want to send them.
I suspect you would delete most of them.
> Hey, you interested in excerpts? I use my real email address.
With some of the things that you say, you might want to consider using
a fake email address. Seriously. That one you wrote about Muslims
wasn't safe to be using your real addy.