"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> sf wrote:
>> On Sun, 18 Aug 2013 00:10:41 -0400, wrote:
>> > My Daughter-in-law posted this on Facebook. Put the eggs in a muffin
>> > tin to keep
>> > them seperated, and put them in a 325 degree oven for about a half hour
>> > and the
>> > result is just like hard boiled and easier to peel. Anyone ever heard
>> > of this or
>> > tried it?
>> Yes, I've heard of it - no I haven't tried it. What's the point?
> I wouldn't bother. Quicker just to boil them.
> Here's an interesting finding regarding peeling of HB eggs:
> This past week, I hard boiled 4 old (but still good) eggs. Once they
> were done, I put two hot ones in a bowl and right into the fridge to
> use later. The other two, I wanted to use immediately so I put them in
> cold running water to cool down fast.
> The ones I cooled immediately peeled like a charm. Later that night, I
> took out the refridgerated ones and those 2 were a peeling diaster. I
> butched the egg whites getting the shells off.
> G.
I was watching Pioneer Woman the other day and she drained the hard boiled
eggs in the pan and then covered them with ice for few minutes. She said
they peel easily that way, sort of what you're saying.