Tomatoes Galore
JBurns wrote:
>> even a leaf of parsley or basil. That's what I call conserva, or
>> plain tomato sauce.
> That is basically what I have done with the bulk of the tomatoes,
> except I have added about a 2 tablespoons of lemon juice per litre for
> acidity. Do you think the EVO on top would aid in preservation, as in
> excluding air?
I think it's just for that, to prevent or reduce the effects of that little
oxigen between lid and sauce.
> I could have done with a food mill, I peeled and seeded them all by
> hand.
> Julie's comment about it not being worth it when expense and time is
> taken into account just does not make sense. I had everything except
> the tomatoes (which cost $3.00) and I was not doing anything else that
> might bring in income. Factoring in time expense is silly unless you
> are forgoing income making activities or paying someone else to do
> what you would normally being doing instead of making tomato sauce.
I agree, it's just a saturday with the relatives, and if my BIL is around
he'll bebringing some chicken vindaloo and kabob from a nearby pakistani
shop, can't wait for tha vindaloo
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin