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Cheryl[_3_] Cheryl[_3_] is offline
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Default Ikea kitchen carts

On 8/19/2013 4:16 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:

> I never liked clothes hampers, especially if made of fabric/wood and
> enclosed, they stink, literally. I have a laundry room and in that
> room there's a closet. I have a laundry basket in the closet,
> actually I have two laundry baskets, one basket sets into the other on
> the bias so it's higher and I don't need to bend to grab it... and I
> never close the laundry room door or the closet door unless I have
> company, cats gotta patrol

I need to have a hamper for my room or the dirty clothes end up on the
floor. My laundry baskets are for clean clothes. As for any stink in a
hamper, that's what Fabreeze is for.

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