Dinner Tonight 8/20/2013
jmcquown wrote:
> baked pork loin chops
> brown rice
> steamed broccoli
> I made my own "shake & bake" type mixture for the chops. Right now
> I'm just kicking back waiting for the timer to tell me when to start
> the rice.
> Anything on your menu tonight?
Yesterday evening we were very lazy, so I bougth a baguette, some
gorgonzola, parma ham and mortadella bologna-style made by Veroni in
Correggio (RE). Slice the baguette, spread half with gorgonzola, lay
mortadella over gorgonzola and ham over the rest, with some mayo on the ham.
Slice the piece you prefer and go, along with some prosecco brut
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin