OT cat nursing
On Fri, 23 Aug 2013 15:31:03 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:
>Yes, I know there are cat newsgroups but they are essentially dead. Since
>there are cat people here, I am asking here. So... We had two cats. Jazzy
>(mom) and Bali (daughter). Jazzy continued to nurse Jazzy beyond a year of
>age and I think, eventually stopped.
>Both cats were snatched from the house by a raccoon and we think it killed
>Bali. We never found her and it has been almost 2 months now. So we
>adopted Jetta who is now about 5 months old.
>The other day, I noticed that Jazzy's teats were pronounced. I thought this
>was a bit odd but I am not familiar with cat teats. We had a cat who had
>kittens when I was a kid but my parents gave her away not long after she had
>them. My other cats were all spayed.
>But... I just saw the two of them together and Jetta was nursing from
>Jazzy. Both seemed to be enjoying it so I didn't do anything but... I am
>wondering if this is normal? Can cats relactate this easily?
>My friend said that her mom's cat had a new litter of kittens but still
>continued to nurse Buddy, her kitten that was over a year old and always her
>favorite. She said the mom would nurse him before the new kittens.
She may not be lactating, the kitten may be just sucking for comfort.
I had a female dog that would do this if a pup was brought into the