What makes a good flour tortilla?
Until recently, I didn't know there were bad ones. I used to make them as a
child out of Bisquick. Got the recipe from a cookbook that my mom had. I
didn't know any better.
Locally, I can get Surita which seem very good to me but there are issues.
One was that the bags they come in did not seal properly. More than once, I
lost the tortillas to the floor, even though after the first time, I checked
the bags well. I did write to them and they corrected this. The other
issues are... One store than sells them, keeps them on the shelf. They
need to be refrigerated or they go moldy. The other store that sells them,
often sells badly expired ones. So getting good, fresh ones can be tough.
I saw on an Episode of Cooks Country that the Mission ones were bad. Really
doughy. I have not bought those before but I have bought the whole wheat
ones which we are not thrilled with but they are edible.
Then a few weeks ago I bought some brand I had never heard of for 99 cents
at Winco. Horrible things! They were also doughy and they all stuck
together. I could not get one out. I could get three though. Or parts of
three. Never did get a whole one.
Then I bought the Market Pantry kind from Target. First time, same bag
problem as the Surita. I tried them again and while okay they too are a
little doughy.
Normally I buy a corn/what blend. I think they are from La Tortilla
And yes, I know I could make my own but that makes no sense for me to do so.
We never eat a dozen at a time and usually when I do use them it is 1-3 at a
So... I know what bad ones are. But what are good ones?