The 19th Annual Schaller Ribbon Report
Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> The 19th Annual Schaller Ribbon Report: It was the best of times, it was
> the worst of times. Wait, that was Charles Dickens, I believe. Of 20
> entries, I placed in 8 lots‹my worst showing since 2009, but not my
> worst ever. <Whew!> The particulars: 3 BLUE (Stewed tomatoes, tomato
> juice, nectarine jam); 2 RED ribbons (watermelon pickles, raspberry
> jelly), 1 WHITE ribbon (peach jam), and 2 PINK ribbons
> (nectarine-apricot butter, blackberry jam). AND a Ball Award for
> Excellence.
Yet another abject failure, I see. And yet again for the exact same
reason: absence of the Barb's Beety Beauty entry!