Thread: OT cat nursing
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Paul M. Cook Paul M. Cook is offline
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Default OT cat nursing

"Julie Bove" > wrote in message
> Yes, I know there are cat newsgroups but they are essentially dead. Since
> there are cat people here, I am asking here. So... We had two cats.
> Jazzy (mom) and Bali (daughter). Jazzy continued to nurse Jazzy beyond a
> year of age and I think, eventually stopped.
> Both cats were snatched from the house by a raccoon and we think it killed
> Bali. We never found her and it has been almost 2 months now. So we
> adopted Jetta who is now about 5 months old.

Probably a coyote. Possibly a raccon. Doubtful.

> The other day, I noticed that Jazzy's teats were pronounced. I thought
> this was a bit odd but I am not familiar with cat teats. We had a cat who
> had kittens when I was a kid but my parents gave her away not long after
> she had them. My other cats were all spayed.
> But... I just saw the two of them together and Jetta was nursing from
> Jazzy. Both seemed to be enjoying it so I didn't do anything but... I am
> wondering if this is normal? Can cats relactate this easily?

Yes. I had a male cat many years ago that nevr stopped trying to nurse.
Female cats can nurse other kittens than there own. They've even been known
to nurse baby squirrels and een puppies when they had no litter of their

> My friend said that her mom's cat had a new litter of kittens but still
> continued to nurse Buddy, her kitten that was over a year old and always
> her favorite. She said the mom would nurse him before the new kittens.

Same as humans, they play favorites. Some mothers will even kill a kitten
they don't like.