OT cat nursing
On 8/25/2013 10:07 AM, Gary wrote:
> "Paul M. Cook" wrote:
>> "Julie Bove" wrote:
>>> The raccoon pulled both cats through the window. Don't know if it ate
>>> Bali or what. We never found the body.
>> Absolutely bizarre. Never heard of anything like it.
> Probably just her imagination. Her cats most likely jumped out of the
> window and the lost one got hit by a car somewhere. Raccoons aren't
> going to pull some fighting cat out of a window. Give me a break.
> G.
Yep, the whole story is just wrong. No cat is going to go "gently into
that good night" at the hands of a raccoon. Cats are going to scream
and fight, even if they're declawed.
I guess she was too busy worrying about what her family will and won't
eat so the raccoon got both cats without her hearing the yowls. Good grief.