"Ophelia" wrote:
>"Michael Pest" wrote:
>> "Ophelia" wrote:
>>> "Pico Rican" wrote:
>>> >> I hope he realises how lucky he is to have someone to pander to all
>>> >> his
>>> >> wishes
Make sure you get what you want too.
>>> >
>>> > Anyone married to Julie must surely realize that his luck has run out.
>>> I bet you wouldn't complain too loudly if you had someone who tolerated
>>> your every wish no matter now annoying, and gave you everything you asked
>>> for ... I suspect you don't so you just make a show of yourself by just
>>> sniping. Jealous much? Now why don't you grow up and talk about food
>>> instead of trying to put people down to make yourself look big?
>> Let's take that line of thinking further. The burden of the
>> service that Julie provides to her family she passes on to
>> readers in the form of an endless plaint, rather than assuming
>> that burden herself. We get the burden and none of the benefit.
>> I think that is a fair extension of what you are saying.
>I disagree. *Many* people bring their problems here and it often helps to
>share. All part of a community so those who complain need to be very
>careful never to mention a problem of their own.
The very worst offenders are those who read posts just to find things
to whine, moan, and groan about, yet contribute nothing beneficial,
not constructive criticism, not even humor... like Mikey Pest and the
Pico Rican. LOL