>sf nobody
>> Care to describe your chop suey... maybe you never even saw "American Chop
>> Suey"... I can't imagine anyone who likes Sloppy Joes not loving American
>> Suey.
>It came straight out of the Chung King can (blech) - in two
>parts. I've never, ever heard of a tomato based chop suey.
Then you haven't been paying attention, "American Chop Suey" has been posted
here before, a few times, even I posted about it from time to time. It's a
legitimate recipe, check the net, you'll find lots.
The Chung King Chop Suey, isn't Chinese, it's an American creation, but it's
not "American Chop Suey".
chop suey [chop SOO-ee]
Thought to date back at least to the mid-19th century, this Chinese-American
dish includes small pieces of meat (usually chicken) or shrimp, mushrooms, bean
sprouts, water chestnuts, bamboo shoots and onions. These ingredients are
cooked together and served over rice. Chop suey doesn't exist as a dish in
© Copyright Barron's Educational Services, Inc. 1995
based on THE FOOD LOVER'S COMPANION, 2nd edition, by Sharon Tyler Herbst.
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"Life would be devoid of all meaning were it without tribulation."