Thread: No teeth! Food?
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ViLco ViLco is offline
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Default No teeth! Food?

Brooklyn1 wrote:

> Soups, two of my favorites, very easy to make... on the menu at every
> Chinese restaurant... there are many versions but at home I keep it
> simple, but sometimes I turn ramen into egg drop.

Beaten eggs with grated breadcrumbs, parmigiano reggiano and a pinch of
nutmeg gives passatelli, a wonderful broth dish. In Romagna many use much
more breadcrumbs and their passatelli are sturdier, to the point they serve
them w/o broth, while others do passatelli like while in Emilia: no flour
and way less breadcrumbs, and always have them in broth.
Passatelli from Emilia:
Passatelli sturdy version from Romagna:
"Un pasto senza vino e' come un giorno senza sole"
Anthelme Brillat Savarin