"Is eating out cheaper than cooking at home?"
On 2013-08-27 10:17 AM, jmcquown wrote:
> Yeah. My middle brother and I don't speak. He got ****ed because Mom
> left me the house. He expected me to sell it and split the proceeds.
> Her lawyer told him even if I sold the house he wasn't entitled to money
> from the sale of it. He threatened to contest the will. The lawyer
> said knock yourself out; you'll lose. The real kicker was when he *sent
> me a bill* for attending Mom's funeral! Cost of air fare, hotel, rental
> car. Talk about sour grapes.
I guess it would depend on how how insistent he was that he be
reimbursed. It is not unheard of for arrangements being made for the
estate to pay for travel for distant family to attend a funeral.
> He also had me reschedule our father's funeral because it wasn't
> "convenient" for him. I don't care if I *never* see or hear from him
> again. He's a greedy, materialistic *******.
We delayed my mother's memorial service for more than a month. My older
brother had a trip booked to England and Ireland that was to leave 4
days after my mother died. Since he suffers from depression and his
wife had recently been diagnosed with liver cancer, and because we knew
that my mother would never want her funeral to screw up someone's
holidays, we postponed it. The problem was that they would be back for
a week and then had another trip booked. A grandson had a trip planned
for the week in between.
The weekend before Mom's service, which I had been asked to help my
oldest brother to organize,he being thee only church goer in the family
and it being at his church, I asked the bitch in law if any of her kids
would like to speak at he service. She spit out her response. NO!! She
did not want to have to sit through a long boring service. She said she
didn't want it to last more than 10-15 minutes.
Karma reared up and kicked her in the ass because at the time she was
saying that their son was at the old folks home to pick up her mother,
and the old girl dropped dead on the way to his car. She then then went
out and organized a funeral service for her mother for the day before my
mothers, and it went on for more than an hour.
So I don't mind not ever seeing the bitch.