"Is eating out cheaper than cooking at home?"
On 8/28/2013 7:56 PM, Goomba wrote:
r>> I guess it would depend on how how insistent he was that he be
>> reimbursed. It is not unheard of for arrangements being made for the
>> estate to pay for travel for distant family to attend a funeral.
> I was going to say about that same thing. And of course, IMO, the estate
> *should* have been split up in thirds by whatever means.
There's nothing quite like settling an estate to check test the
functionality of a family. In our family it was just one SIL who stuck
her nose into things. My wife and the other two SiLs stayed out of it.
My wife and her sister are to be commended for the way they handled
their father's estate. After their mother died their father and brother
had a big argument and the father cut him out of his will. He softened
later and put his son back in the will but with only 20% and 40% to his
daughters, who were the executors. When "the will matured" they agrees
to override the will and give him an equal 1/3 share.
I have heard horror stories about fights over wills.