"Is eating out cheaper than cooking at home?"
On 8/28/2013 8:53 PM, sf wrote:
> On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 19:56:05 -0400, Goomba >
> wrote:
>> On 8/27/13 12:55 PM, Dave Smith wrote:
>>> On 2013-08-27 10:17 AM, jmcquown wrote:
>>>> Yeah. My middle brother and I don't speak. He got ****ed because Mom
>>>> left me the house. He expected me to sell it and split the proceeds.
>>>> Her lawyer told him even if I sold the house he wasn't entitled to money
>>>> from the sale of it. He threatened to contest the will. The lawyer
>>>> said knock yourself out; you'll lose. The real kicker was when he *sent
>>>> me a bill* for attending Mom's funeral! Cost of air fare, hotel, rental
>>>> car. Talk about sour grapes.
>>> I guess it would depend on how how insistent he was that he be
>>> reimbursed. It is not unheard of for arrangements being made for the
>>> estate to pay for travel for distant family to attend a funeral.
>> I was going to say about that same thing. And of course, IMO, the estate
>> *should* have been split up in thirds by whatever means.
> I don't agree with that. Jill cared for both her mother and her
> father for years before their deaths and it was not an easy task
> dealing with her father. Her brother was measuring the furniture
> before her mother had died. Very tacky man and the ultimate
> cheapskate. As a parent, you are not obligated to treat your children
> equally. That brother is a jerk, with a home and a good job. He can
> provide for himself. Leaving the house to Jill was her mother's way
> of saying thank you for devoting so many years of her life to taking
> care of them.
It wasn't years, although it felt like it. But yes, right after Dad's
funeral he was walking around the house saying, "I'd like this, and
this, and that..." Mom was in the next room! I said, "Mom isn't dead,
you idiot!" They each got what furniture and other items from the house
they wanted *and* a third of her money; that's what her will stipulated.
Mom had an annuity that listed me as the beneficiary. Her lawyer told
me I didn't have to split that money with them but I was trying to abide
by her wishes. I wound up paying mega-bucks in taxes on that annuity;
they got their share tax free.