Thread: Ping Sqwertz
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bigwheel bigwheel is offline
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Originally Posted by bill clinton View Post
Sqwertz ost wrote:
On Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:50:17 -0500, ChairMan wrote:

Yo Steve,
Goin to be near a HEB this weekend and wondered what you
reccomend pickin up?
Is the HEB mesquite lump any good? It's on sale for 4.92
Their fully cooked brisket is on sale too. Which is
better the
mesquite or Texas style.
I know their meat is pretty good and they have Tbones on
I've had their ribeyes and they were excellent and their
beef smoked
sausage was good too.
Anything else you'd reccomend?

Arriba(?) brand lump 6.6lbs for $2.97/bag (comes in 20lb
bags for even
cheaper down south). It has a cowboy with a lasso logo on
the front.
I can't vouch for the HEB branded lump - never used it.

Can I get it at HEB?
If not, i'll be given it a try(HEB) it's gotta be as good if
not better than Kroger brand lump

Texas PORK ribeyes - short end of the boneless pork loin
with both
dark and light meat for $1.98/lb sold whole in 5" chunks
or in
packages of 3/4" steaks.

I'll look for them

Award-winning "HEB Specialty *Carolina* BBQ Sauce"
($2/bottle). Get
two of them, at least. You have to get this if nothing

I picked up a couple three of them in Stephenville a couple
a weeks ago along with the 2 Franklin Sauces.
I also got the other HEB flavors, Texas, Kentucky Bourbon
and Memphis. Hadn't tried any yet except for the Franklins
I had higher expectations for it, but it was okay

Their ice cream is high quality at $2.50/qt or $4.49/half.

Bloody Mary's? Love Clamato? Pick up a 64oz/jug of their
Cocktail from the juice aisle ($2.49). Pick up some
"Farmers Market"
(Best Maid) Bloody Mary pickles, too (you can probably get
those in
your bum****, Walmart TX, too! ;-)

The wife might like that

Also, their pre-smoked briskets are quite edible but not
worth the
money compared to buying fresh-smoked beef at the BBQ
joints like John
Muellers. They used to be $2.99/lb but now cost 8$-$12/lb
and come
pre-sliced (you DONT PRESLICE BRISKET!)

Hey, I've seen you use it on a few of your sammiches or is
that just because yer without a smoker right now?
And yes, fresh is ALWAYS better, but I'm cookin a couple of
pastramis and some ribs this weekend and there won't be room
for a packer cut

HEB brand frozen Italian meatballs. $2.97/13oz(?) bag or
bag. Awesome with some of their $.20 bolillos from the
bakery and
some provolone, swiss, or motz.

I'll check 'em out

Their sale USDA Select beefsteaks I never buy. They cut
them too thin
when on sale. I'd more likely buy a tri-tip, slice and
marinate that
for stir-fry. They sometimes have great deals on USDA
Prime ("HEB
Prime") if you hit the right store on right day. They are
with CostCo on their Prime but not all HEB stores carry

The ribeyes I picked up at the HEB in Cleburne were a little
thin, but had great color and were really good.
Maybe I'll look at their tenderloins and cut them up into
filets myself

What, you just want me to meet you there? :-)

Nah, actually the wife liked some of their house brand stuff
enough that we're just goin to do a run to HEB in Waxahachie
or Ennis every
5-6 weeks, depending on which one has better Q joints for
lunch,. the mileage difference is only 6 miles so the Q
availability will be the deciding factor

Disclaimer: All the prices I mention are the "every day"
prices in
Austin. Not sale prices.


Thanks for the info and if I get the HEB lump, I'll let ya
know if it's how it is.

BTW: I've tried the tortilla pizzas you talked about several
times and them SOBs are good
Crisp 'em on one side, flip 'em add sauce and fixens then
cover until cheese melts good. Nice crispy thin crust
We do not seem to be currently blessed with any HEB stores but believe there is one coming and going to set up shop over in the hood. Shopped with them a lot when we lived down South and always found good quality at fair prices. The "Cowboy Brand Lump" is commonly available at several locations up here. It is general believed to be the leftover wood scraps from cabinet and mill work industry. Some folks have reported getting chunks with varnish still on it..but havent experienced that personally. Will testify it is small chunks which burns up super hot and fast. Might be useful for flash cooking of chickens. In fact think I tried that strategy a few times. Not sure of the HEB brand lump. Would highly suspect it might be the generic equivalent of B&B Brand which is made in Texas and several stores carry up in this area. It is highly nasty and sooty and pops like Orval Reddenbackers Popping Corn. Hopefully that's not what it is. Now Royal Oak makes some passable lump if you happen to stumble over any of that or maybe that is the generic for HEB which would be a nice break. Now the Royal Oak briquettes are pitiful..not even as good as Kingsford which is some nasty stuff too. Bon Apetit!

Last edited by bigwheel : 29-08-2013 at 08:01 PM