So I did make a sampler platter of cabbage recipes yesterday. I was
going to make 3 but I ended up making 5 different ones. About an hour
in the kitchen for prep and cooking.
All were very tasty.
I'm including a link to a picture of the plate even though it does
look like crap. I live alone and don't worry about presentation...I
care about the taste...and all of these 5 were very good tasting. I
made enough of each for one meal, plus some 2nd's and one more small
meal of all today.
On the top are 2 stuffed cabbage rolls (I made 4).
Aren't they pretty? hahaha (NOT!)
2nd level is James Silvertons potato/cabbage recipe on the left
To the right of that is Sheldon's cabbabe and egg noodles
Bottom level is my favorite cole slaw. Next to that is sw's recipe
for cabbage with Chili garlic sauce. Notice that I blackened them
a bit...a very good taste.
Like I mentioned, the pic is not pretty but it
shows what I made and all was good. :-D