"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 9/9/2013 9:58 AM, ImStillMags wrote:
>> So...what is wrong with just soap and a washrag???
> I don't even bother with the washrag. My face doesn't need to be
> "scrubbed". I just wash my face with mild soap & water and splash it off
> with water, using my hands.
>> But there's a problem with microbeads.
>> http://www.motherjones.com/environme...cean-pollution
> Sugar is also an excellent exfoliant. I learned that trick as a teenager.
> Funny, my skin didn't need exfoliating when I was 16. 
> I occasionally use St. Ives apricot scrub. No microbeads there. The
> exfoliant is crushed apricot seeds.
> http://www.stives.com/Natural-Ingredient/Apricot/
> Then there is olive oil, which is a great moisturizer. I'm not talking
> about putting extra-virgin olive oil on your face. Olive oil based facial
> cleanser and moisturizers.
> An oatmeal bath will help if you have itchy skin. Colloidal oatmeal, not
> the stuff you eat. Especially in the winter, when it is necessary to run
> the heat, my skin tends to dry out. I use an oatmeal-based lotion.
> Jill
Just be careful with the oatmeal! It can make for a very slippery tub. I
had used it countless times with no problems. Then I used it again and
could not get out of the tub! I don't know if I used a bit much or what.
Feet just kept slipping out from under me. I had to wait until the tub
fully drained and still couldn't get out. Not all of the oatmeal went down
the drain. I wound up having to throw towels in the tub and stepping on
those. Then I had to wash them because they were covered with oats. I
remember reading a story about a woman who had this happen to her and I
couldn't believe it. Until it happened to me!