To tip or have a service charge.......that is the question
On Mon, 9 Sep 2013 11:27:55 -0700 (PDT), Helpful person
> wrote:
>Personally I prefer the Japanese method. Tipping does
>not exist and the service is the best I've ever
>encountered. People waiting on you are very
>professional and take great pride in their work. I'm sure
>they have much training which seems to be almost completely
>absent in the US.
>In the US I have left no tip for a poor meal and good tips
>for an excellent one. In one extreme case I made a point of
>ensuring the bus boy got the tip, not the
>waitress. (He was very attentive.)
Japanese chow is hardly worth eating... itty bitty nondescript blobs
that don't even look edible... and I can't eat all their enamelware.
All the times I ate Jap chow I left hungry, and I patronized some of
the priciest NYC joints. Jap restos are much more about showmanship
than the food. And I don't consider sushi food, it's bait, chum.