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casa contenta casa contenta is offline
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Posts: 532
Default 2013-09-03 Dinner

On 9/9/2013 6:41 PM, sf wrote:
> On Mon, 09 Sep 2013 10:10:43 -0600, casa contenta > wrote:
>> On 9/7/2013 9:47 PM, sf wrote:
>>> On Fri, 06 Sep 2013 11:29:08 -0600, casa contenta > wrote:
>>>> The Flat Iron (supposedly named because it looks like an old
>>>> fashioned metal flat iron) is uniform in thickness and rectangular in
>>>> shape. The only variation is the cut into the middle of the steak where
>>>> the connective tissues have been removed.
>>> I've tried that one. Not a fan of Flat Iron (or tri-tip). I do,
>>> however, totally like Hanger steak.

>> How can you not be in love with either on, they're so perfectly moist
>> and easily grilled.

> They aren't "special" enough for me. I ordered a flat iron in a
> restaurant, but felt like I was chewing on a real flat iron - so I
> haven't done it again. Also, several people in my family like
> tri-tip, but I remain unconvinced about it's magical quality.
> However, Hanger steak blew my socks off the first time I made it.

I agree hanger steak is wonderful, if a bit hard to find.

That restaurant had to be artless to ruin a flatiron though.

Some of the best tri-tip recipes come out of Santa Maria:

1 tri-tip roast, also known as triangle steak, a bottom sirloin cut
(anywhere from 2 1/2 pounds to 4 pounds), look for one well-marbled with fat
Santa Maria Rub (enough for a 4 pound roast)

1 Tbsp Kosher salt
1 Tbsp finely ground black pepper
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp onion powder
1 teaspoon cayenne
1 Tbsp dried oregano
1 teaspoon dry rosemary (or fresh, finely minced)
1/2 teaspoon dry sage

I urge you to give it another try using this recipe, you won't be let down.