PING MIRANDA=- PING BluesAlyxx- Belated greetin's
> I haven't looked in on a.f.a in a while- boyoboy have I missed out.
> Bluesalyxx, you remind me of a usenet /email buddy who has a
> seriously warped sensahumaa and from whom I have not heard innawhile.- and
> reminding me of this person is a Good Thing ® ( Martha Stewart- on appeal)
> 14th, is that YOU????
> Even if it's not
> hugs and a Moon Pie
nope, not 14th (not even 13th!!) just i, the blue willow (bluesalyxx). i
was wondering if i'd ever hear from you...ever again, miranda. oh god,
there IS a brave new world!
oh well...i guess you've decided you don't wanna be ebuddies. (sigh). too
bad...i make a delightful pal and i even could be a chatpal (if i hafta).
well....a moon pie to you, as well; although, my doggie (hardy) is my
starlight, my only starlight. he makes me happy when skies are blue. but
he knows, oh yes he knows, how much he means to me...oh lord, please don't
take my doggums away.
(everyone can take a deep breath now)