Relevant in that it affects our food supply
On Tuesday, September 10, 2013 1:25:52 PM UTC-7, Dave Smith wrote:
> The unfortunate thing about it is that those of us who have demonstrated
> the ability to take care of ourselves have come to realize that there is
> population growth problem have taken steps to deal with it. Most people
> in the developed world have stopped having large families, limiting
> themselves to 1-2 children. Meanwhile, those in the poorest and most
> densely populated countries are still having large have to
> wonder when you see coverage of famine relief project and see people
> coming in with 12 or more half starved kids. We constantly see scenes of
> huge families of scrawny, underfed kids. If they can't feed the kids
> they have they should not have more.
Unfortunately most of those are uneducated and tied to either a religion or belief system that prevents any usage of contracepton.....or they have no idea about contracepton. In many areas a lot of children means more hands to do the work.