Your Thoughts on USA's S. Blancs (need reccomendations)
On 2013-08-21 18:08:27 +0000, Mark Lipton said:
>> I like big acid and grapefruit so long as the nose doesn't smell like
>> stomach acid (cough, Oyster Bay, cough).
> Prompted by this comment, I recently tried a bottle of the 2013 Oyster
> Bay Sauvignon Blanc, and I have to say that I found it quite appealing.
> To me, its nose smelled of grapefruit and grass, and it had great
> acidity, a very savory flavor profile and good depth. I'm not sure what
> about it reminded you of stomach acid.
It was all in the nose. I've probably had 5 or 6 bottles over the last
few years; my wife loves it. The taste is fine, the grass and
grapefruit are fine; but, I just would always smell that bad 'hangover'
stomach acid smell. It's about the only wine that does that to me.