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bigwheel bigwheel is offline
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Originally Posted by Julie Bove[_2_] View Post
Daughter and I are having tacos tonight. Was going to make them tomorrow
and then realized that would leave husband on his own due to a change in the
dance schedule. Sure, I know those should be easy enough to assemble but...
Would just prefer to avoid that whole scenario. Got some little frozen
pizzas for him. Am baking them now and will make more sandwiches. I always
forget how hectic the start of school and dance can be. Particularly the
dance. I think I have everything down pat and then they change the schedule

So... Tonight I tried this. Long grain white rice. Would have preferred
the Brown Texmati but was pressed for time. Toasted it in a small amount of
olive oil. Added very small amounts of dehydrated red and green bell pepper
and minced onion. Also a tiny bit of chili powder. Wanted to add flavor
but not a lot of heat. Generous amount of salt. Then the liquid. I didn't
measure it all out exactly but used proportions of 1 cup rice to 2 cups
liquid. Used mostly vegetable broth, then a small amount of tomato sauce
and the rest water to get enough liquid. Brought to boil, then put heat to
low, covered and cooked for 20 minutes. Perfect!

Last time I made it, it wasn't very good. Used too much tomato in there and
although edible, it was oddly sweet and had a slightly saucy quality to it.
Not soupy but just not right. I ate it anyway mixed with some beans. But I
wouldn't want to serve it to anyone else like that.

Tonight's rice? Exactly how many restaurants serve it, minus the chicken
We use Mahatma Brand Spanish Rice in the little tubes. Very good stuff and fairly foolproof to make. The only folks I know who mix up the rice and beans are cajuns and yankees.