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notbob notbob is offline
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Default 50 States - 50 Sandwiches

On 2013-09-11, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

> They also call the North Carolina pulled pork sandwich a chopped pork
> sandwich. This list was put together by a writer that has no idea about
> real food.


Most of the sandwiches ridiculous. In the states where I've lived,
never heard of the sandwiches paired with. Halibut in Utah!? Gimme a
break. If the Denver sandwich is "almost impossible to find", why is
it included? Even the picture looks dry-on-dry unappetizing. Typical
Zagat nonsense.

I've lived in CA most of my life. While French dips were pretty
common at one time, back when hofbraus were popular, they've been
passé for decades. Last one I had was at Brennen's in Berkeley and it
was mediocre, at best. Also, fish tacos are a SoCal thing. North of
Bakerfield, pretty scarce. Uno Mas is one statewide fish taco chain,
but their fish taco is so pathetic, I demanded my money back. If I
was to assign CA a sandwich, it would be a cheeseburger (1st) or a
banh mi (2nd).
