Thread: Spooky, Spooky
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Groupkillas \(R\) Groupkillas \(R\) is offline
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Posts: 77
Default Spooky, Spooky

casa contenta > wrote:
> On 9/9/2013 12:05 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> On Mon, 9 Sep 2013 01:10:48 -0700, "Julie Bove"
>> > wrote:
>>> "jmcquown" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> It's so easy to say "you can always move". Things are not always
>>>> that simple.
>>> Yep. Especially if you have to get a new job and sell a house. Add in a
>>> spouse and kids and it's even more complicated.

>> Who are you kidding... you don't have a job, your kid ain't crippled,
>> and you've been moving all your life... of course in your case you're
>> a kept woman, your husband cares for you same as a pet dog.... he'd
>> be better off if next time he moved he dropped you off at a
>> shelter... and there you'd learn to eat just like all the other
>> bitches! LOL-LOL

> You are a truly vile and repulsive person. Life can't possibly reward
> you fully in this existence for the evil you embrace.

Bawhawhaw that's pretty funny coming from an obsessed stalker k00k with
about ten different posting personalities that you exercise 16 hours a day

Shelly has some redeeming value as a human being, as opposed to you, an
utter waste of food.

What a life you lead, eh, casa boner? What are you, some angry, drunken,
lonely paraplegic living in a charity ******** and posting on a free welfare
dialup connection? It has to be something like that.

Angry, lonely li'l boner, lookin' for love in all the wrong places. LOL!