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Default USDA to let Hawaii ship avocados to mainland US

On 9/11/2013 12:23 PM, pure kona wrote:
> There is hope. Found this today in the Hawaii news
> aloha,
> Cea

I think that might be good. People frequently give me avocados from
their backyard and boy are they huge. The ones in the supermarket from
the mainland are ridiculously small. Hopefully, they'll get to see what
a real avocado looks like.

>> Associated Press
>> HONOLULU (AP) - Guacamole connoisseurs around the U.S. will soon have a new domestic avocado to try - not from California or Florida, but Hawaii.
>> The U.S. Department of Agriculture is changing its rules for Hawaii growers to allow them to ship Sharwil avocados to 32 mainland U.S. states between November and March.
>> According to a USDA rule scheduled to be published in the Federal Register on Thursday, the shipments will help give shoppers an option to buy domestic avocados during winter months, when most grocery stores stock avocados from Mexico instead.
>> President Tom Benton of the Hawaii Avocado Association says growers mostly on the Big Island and Maui produce roughly 1 million pounds of the fruit each year, but until now have only been able to sell within the state.
>> Copyright 2013 The Associated Press.