On Thursday, September 12, 2013 7:23:03 AM UTC-4, John Kuthe wrote:
> Their bread is crap. It's like Wonder bread. Freshly baked or not,
> crappy breaad is still crappy bread. And I'm sure they get the
> cheapest sandwish contents that they can to support their corporate
> profits.
> But it's better than starving, and certainly better than anything
> McCraps makes!
> John Kuthe...
Well written, however, even freshly baked Wonderbread is above
average for a fast food sandwich.
Several years ago I occasionally went to Subway, there wasn't
much around for lunch. Adjusting my expectations resulted in
the perception of an acceptable product. However, I was
impressed by their organization. Each of the cold meats were
separated into single servings. This made quantity control
simple and made the line go super fast. I don't know if this
was done at the distribution center or as prep earlier in the
day. Anyway, it was extremely efficient, saving at least one
worker. Strangely, they stopped doing this.