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Steve Freides[_2_] Steve Freides[_2_] is offline
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Default USDA to let Hawaii ship avocados to mainland US

pure kona wrote:
> There is hope. Found this today in the Hawaii news
> aloha,
> Cea
>> Associated Press
>> HONOLULU (AP) - Guacamole connoisseurs around the U.S. will soon
>> have a new domestic avocado to try - not from California or Florida,
>> but Hawaii.
>> The U.S. Department of Agriculture is changing its rules for Hawaii
>> growers to allow them to ship Sharwil avocados to 32 mainland U.S.
>> states between November and March.
>> According to a USDA rule scheduled to be published in the Federal
>> Register on Thursday, the shipments will help give shoppers an
>> option to buy domestic avocados during winter months, when most
>> grocery stores stock avocados from Mexico instead.
>> President Tom Benton of the Hawaii Avocado Association says growers
>> mostly on the Big Island and Maui produce roughly 1 million pounds
>> of the fruit each year, but until now have only been able to sell
>> within the state.
>> Copyright 2013 The Associated Press.

Forgive my ignorance, but why would the USDA ever _not_ allow Hawaiian
avocados to be sold on the mainland? What happened to free commerce and
all that? It's not like they're even another country.
