So I tried Subway
On 9/12/2013 9:18 AM, Paul M. Cook wrote:
> "Nancy Young" > wrote
>> I've never tried a Subway. They opened one across the street from a
>> good old fashioned sub shop in my town. I don't know how they have
>> survived. Some people see a name and go with what they know, I guess.
>> There's plenty of business to go around.
> Don't go there. I am serious. The job site I am working has an AM/PM just
> a short walk away. I have been far happier just getting a tuna salad
> sandwhich and a bottle of water from them and eating it while I get a tank
> of gas. Never going to go to another Subway, ever. How can fresh baled
> bread be so dry it sticks in yout throat?
I haven't been tempted yet, I grew up where they have good subs and
really good pizza. I'm not about to hit Dominoes or Subway. There
is a community college in my town and I have to think they get a lot
of business from the students.
The 'real' sub shop is always packed at lunchtime by 'hard hats' ...
construction guys know where to get a good lunch.